the interview
Always close
the interview on a positive note, even if you did not think that it went
that well.
The interviewer may have thought otherwise
your strengths and the reason why you will be an asset to the company
If you
really want the job, ASK FOR IT
If the job
is offered to you on the spot and you want it, accept it
If the job
is offered to you and you need to think about it, say so, stating a definite
time when
you will get back to the employer
willingness and availability for a second interview
Ask at the
end of the interview when the employer will be making the hiring decision
Thank the
interviewer for the interview and end with a firm handshake
Don’t be
too hard on yourself. Things don't always work out the way you hope
Laugh - it is the best medicine
#interview #tips
#kontakrecruitment #closingtheinterview