Monday, 30 January 2017

Interview Tips - Closing The Interview

Closing the interview

Always close the interview on a positive note, even if you did not think that it went
that well. The interviewer may have thought otherwise
Confirm your strengths and the reason why you will be an asset to the company
If you really want the job, ASK FOR IT
If the job is offered to you on the spot and you want it, accept it
If the job is offered to you and you need to think about it, say so, stating a definite
time when you will get back to the employer
Show willingness and availability for a second interview
Ask at the end of the interview when the employer will be making the hiring decision
Thank the interviewer for the interview and end with a firm handshake
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Things don't always work out the way you hope
Laugh - it is the best medicine

#interview #tips #kontakrecruitment  #closingtheinterview

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Interview Tips - Don'ts During an Interview

Don’t’s During an interview

Do not bad-mouth previous employers
Do not arrive unprepared for the interview
Do not make excuses for failings
Do not give vague responses to questions
Do not show too much concern about rapid advancement, yet do show a clearly
defined career path
Do not express strong prejudices or any personal intolerance
Do not show any reservation about the company or position. You can always refuse a
second interview after consideration
Do not over-emphasize money. Salary discussion is secondary. Your goal is to sell
Do not leave your cell phone on during the interview
Do not chew gum

#interview #tips #kontakrecruitment 

Do's During an Interview

Do’s during the interview

Do introduce yourself clearly. Do give a firm handshake
Do be punctual
Do dress professionally
Do listen to the question carefully before answering
Do be prepared to answer basic questions
Do have good posture, body language, and good eye contact
Do have a positive attitude. Show confidence, maintain poise and SMILE
Do be assertive
Do market yourself. Do show your worth. Do show how your experience would benefit the company

#interview #tips #kontakrecruitment #recruitment  #johannesburg